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Blogs from November 2023

What do you love about Thanksgiving? Here’s what excites the people of ServiceOne

infographic: How ServiceOne celebrates Thanksgiving

infographic of how your friends at ServiceOne celebrate Thanksgiving

“Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things 
humans can do for each other.”   
– Randy Pausch

Ask anyone what they love about Thanksgiving, and you’ll find that the answer often involves food.

I get that! I love to cook and think that serving a great meal is a kind of love language. Any chance to gather family and friends and celebrate over a feast is bound to be a great day!

ServiceOne is grateful for so many things this year. We are happy to have celebrated our 20th year in business. We appreciate our loyal customers who’ve been with us for years. We acknowledge our gratitude for new customers who trust us to take care of their air conditioning and plumbing needs.

Without doubt, we are grateful for our fabulous team here.

You may think that those are just words, but they are not. My gratitude is sincere. ServiceOne is truly a company of caring, talented, dedicated people who comprise a family. We cannot exist without them.

So we want to give a shout-out to our very special team here, celebrating them and the things that they love about Thanksgiving…many of them are the same things YOU love about Thanksgiving!

The team at ServiceOne shares their favorite foods

Warning! Reading this is guaranteed to make you hungry!

“Stuffing” is noted as the favorite food of many of our staff members. Descriptions ranged from “cornbread souffle stuffing” to “Southern dressing.” Most of the “stuffing answers” paired the traditional dish with gravy and/or mashed potatoes.

Turkey was tied with stuffing as the favorite food, although it came in several variations, including “Fried turkey,” “Turkey leg,” and “leftover cold turkey for sandwiches the next day.”

The only other foods that obtained multiple votes were ham and pumpkin pie!

Food choices reflect our diversity, our enjoyment of eating special dishes, and a connection to family tradition!

“Good, home-cooked food like Granny and Papa served – green beans with bacon, black-eyed peas, fruit salad, and deviled eggs to go along with the turkey!”
- Tom Geromanos

Consider these foods listed as favorites by different members of the ServiceOne team:

  • Mac’n cheese
  • Mashed rutabaga
  • Potato salad
  • Sweet potato casserole
  • Fried chicken
  • Prime rib (lucky family!)
  • Macaroons
  • Bottle of Beaujolais or pinot noir
  • Breakfast casserole on Thanksgiving morning

(Is your mouth watering yet?)

The best thing about Thanksgiving according to the staff of ServiceOne

Family. Family. Family.

Our staff loves to be with family.

Like anyone who works for a living, it’s a real holiday when you can spend time with the people you love, “without phones and time constraints.”

  • “It’s a joy to watch the young kids playing in the yard.”
  • “To listen to “the telling of stories.”
  • “To volunteer to feed the less fortunate on that day.”

Football is another favorite activity, especially on Thanksgiving Day when it is watched and cheered by family and friends together in one room!

Other notable traditions from various staff members include purchasing the Christmas tree on Thanksgiving Day; decorating with adult children while watching The Polar Express; being with dear friends from “across the pond;” “drinking whiskey!” and, of course, “napping!”

What would YOU be most grateful for?

If you could magically have more time, more money, or more sleep, which would it be?

I don’t have a magic genie in a bottle who could make this happen, but it’s still fun to consider.

The overwhelming majority of our team wanted more TIME!

Often, they mentioned specific reasons they need more time. It’s no surprise – since many of them share our family values – that they mentioned wanting more time to spend with their kids. Many wished they could have more time with someone who has passed.

Many of the responses contain a hint of sadness. Thanksgiving celebrations and spending time with family often make us miss those who are no longer with us…leading us to the next revelation about our team.

If you could invite anyone to have Thanksgiving Dinner with you – dead or alive – who would it be?

Nikola Tesla. The musician, George Clinton. The author, Don DeLillo. The disciple, Paul, from the New Testament. The 2023 UGA football team. Trump. Reagan. Kennedy.

Our staff imagined some pretty cool Thanksgiving gatherings with some fascinating people.

But over and over and over again, our team talked about how much they missed loved ones who had gone before.

“…My dad and grandma. I miss them terribly
and would give up quite a bit to have them here, 
if only for a short time.”
– Ginger Gouty

Remembering grandparents was a common refrain, reminding us of the power of loving grandparents in our lives.

We longed for parents who have gone before us, for siblings, aunts, friends, and a father-in-law...

“My father-in-law passed away before I met my wife,   
and I would love to meet him.”
– Clayton Kendall

One person longed to have his old faithful dog back at his side, a sentiment many of us relate to.

Thanksgiving reminds us to be grateful for each day and each moment we have with each other.

ServiceOne is truly thankful for you and for each and every one of our amazing team members.

We are grateful!


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